Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Screw You Miami - There Are Some Pit Bulls You Can't Mess With

In an epic fail Miami-Dade County enforced their ban on pits and took away someone's service dog. And now they are faced with what should be a lawsuit that the plaintiff has an easy win.

It's a fail for enforcing legislation that has no practical effect. It's a fail for police hammering on the door and trying to seize a dog that wasn't even on the premises. Because the victim (yes, the owner was a victim of a senseless act of home intrusion by police that had no valid reason to be there.)

It's a fail for trying to put municipal legislation ahead of Federal legislation.

This guy had a pit bull service dog trained to retrieve his emergency inhaler when the dog recognized his shortness of breath. There was a medical emergency, dog isn't there and the victim suffered major problems leading him to be put into a medically induced coma to save his life.

I read one comment that mentioned that this was some politician's way of avoiding the negative press of introducing legislation to reverse the ban. Let's make public officials look bad so they take the heat. I don't buy it. This is another example of BSL that just wastes tax payer money that could be better used to address ways to solve the problem. The dogs are not the problem. The asshole owners that don't spay and neuter, tether and neglect and maltreat the dogs are the problem.

A properly socialized pit bull is a great dog.